The EUROMAP 84 series provides OPC UA information models for extrusion. The different parts describe the extrusion line as a whole, and the different components. 

  • Part 1: General Type Definitions
  • Part 2: Extrusion line
  • Part 3: Extruder
  • Part 4: Haul-off
  • Part 5: Melt pump
  • Part 6: Filter
  • Part 7: Die
  • Part 8: Pelletizer
  • Part 9: Cutter
  • Part 10: Calibrator
  • Part 11: Corrugator
  • Part 12: Calender

Please find below the specifications and model files which are identical to the OPC 40084 series and VDMA 40084 series.


Update June 2022:

  • Release of Version 2.0 which includes OPC UA for Machinery.
    More infomration about OPC UA for machinery can be found here.


Update Dezember 2021:

  • New Release Candidates for Version 2.0 which includes OPC UA for Machinery.
    Comments to be sent to by 1 April 2022.
    More infomration about OPC UA for machinery can be found here.


Update April 2021:

  • New Release for Part 1 (update adds types for rolls and gaps) and Part 12 (new for Calender) published.


Update November 2020:

  • NodeSet for OPC 40084-2 corrected


Please note: Basis for all EUROMAP OPC UA specification is EUROMAP 83 with the definition of common types.



Dr. Mikula Thiem
Technical Commission